's Christmas at our house......
Merry Christmas my sweet boy! What a great gift to wake up to!
On Christmas Eve, everyone in the house gets a gift from Rudolf. He leaves a pair of Christmas lounge pants/pjs for everyone so they can wake up feeling festive Christmas morning!
On to the gifts.....
Harley and Bailey CLEARLY are asking if there was anything left for them under the tree....but not really under the tree since we didn't have one up due to the remodeling we are doing!
They spotted the stockings! They must smell fun!
And new beds for both! They scored!
Santa brought Zachy a new car to play in! It's GREAT for taking walks around the block and gives him something to do other than just sit in the stroller!
Santa brought Autumn a new TV....spoiled!!!!!
Santa brought our family a Wii game system! Goodness I found muscles I haven't used in years! :)
Treyton was into the spirit of Christmas this year and picked out very nice gifts for everyone. You can do that when you are 18, have a job and live at home with NO bills! :) He posed with each person after they opened their gifts from him. I think he was more excited for people to open what he got them rather than opening gifts himself!
I was VERY surprised with my ipod touch screen. Please ignore the bags under the eyes, tired look and the pile of stuff behind me! It was early morning people give me a break! :)
Autumn was surprised by her digital camera....
Justin LOVED his gift....a PSP....he's hardly put it down since Christmas!
Donnie got a GPS system. It's amazing we ever managed to get places without it! He of course insisted on using it the next day to find our way to my parent's house! Good thing we had that cuz I don't think we would've made it otherwise!
Zachy's favorite gift......the left over boxes!!! What a fun toy! Peek-a-boo anyone!
So that was Christmas morning. I'll do a post on each of our celebrations with our families too. Then I'll feel all caught up!
Ok, first I was so touched with Treyton's gifts to all of you... what a sweet kid!
And second, since when do you say "lounge pants" or "pj's"??? I thought in Dannon-speak they are known as "comfy pants made out of sweaty material"...or something to that effect :)
I thought they were called 'buffet pants' that she used to wear to Shoney's! No button to undo when we eat too much...
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