Donnie and the boys will be home those of you who work with Donnie be supportive cuz he has baby duty all by himself! Zach has been sleeping horribly (worse than his normal 1-2 times he gets up per night) so he may need to take a nap during his lunch break! Sunday night Zach was up 5 times (one of those being for an hour and a half) and then Monday night he was up 6 times. Can you believe he then only took about a 15 minute nap Monday during the day???? He did take a better nap on Tuesday, but not what you think he should take not sleeping much the night before. I'm hoping he's getting a new tooth and that's what the problem is. I'm praying he doesn't get sick or anything major while I'm gone! That's usually mom's territory......makes dad a little nervous to decipher when/if/and how much meds to give for various things!
Anyhow.....Since I'm up waiting....thought I would blog from a couple weekends ago.....
Two weekends ago, the weather was beautiful so we decided to take advantage of it and get some much needed yardwork done. We started with raking up leaves. I decided to see how Zach would like playing in the leaves so tossed him in.......
He quickly wanted his arms OUT of the leaves and didn't like the feel of them.....
Then he thought about bolting.......
which quickly turned to tears.......he's looking at his dad to come over and rescue him as his mom was busy trying to photograph the event!
The he spotted me and was pleading louding for me to get him OUT of the leaves. For some reason he was immobilized and was unable to get himself out! I did then put the camera down and rescue the boy......
In the front of our house/yard, we have a little sitting area that we have plants and various things. Well with our remodel job we are doing in the basement in order to add 2 bedrooms down there for the big boys, we are putting in firesafe windows so I can sleep at night and so the foster care licensing folks are happy! Soooo, I have to move my stuff. I decided since it was nice out, I would transplant my plants to a spot by the back patio that has nothing in it buy weeds at this point.
Here's the before pics of the sitting area......
Zach decided to "help" out. He first would help dig and then after I loaded the plants I was moving into the wheelbarrow, then Zach would get in for a dangerous trek to the backyard! Such a long walk he had to pack a snack for the trip! :)
Yes.......that would be crackers AND dirt he ate for his healthy snack!
Here's the finished product of where I moved plants to. This area is kind of tucked away from everything else, so have never really focused much on it. The gate is nailed shut because our lab is naughty and can open it, so we don't ever enter/exit through it. I think it looks pretty good compared to what it did look like. I didn't take a before pic of it so you'll have to take my word for it!
In addition to helping me with transplanting flowers, Zach also had to help his dad mow the yard! He's a busy guy that Zach. He could probably complain he was overworked this weekend as he did more "work" than the big boys at our house! :)
As the evening wore on, Zach found the pumpkins we had gotten at the pumpkin patch. I think he thinks they are balls, he was more interested in throwing and rolling them than anything else!
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