A couple of things we picked.....I know, maybe not very exciting for everyone else but this is our first year to plant several different things and we get quite excited about it. May be a sign that we've aged a bit and lead not very exciting lives! :)
Justin and Bailey helped weed the tomato patch, although I don't think this was by choice...at least it wasn't for Justin anyway, Bailey loves the garden. Not sure why this pic is so blurry, but you get the idea!
Zach loves it when we head towards the garden. He runs and grabs a bucket and just picks away at whatever he can until we convince him he's helped enough or can distract him with other things. I think we could've fed another family with the number of tomatoes that boy has picked too early or demolished as soon as he picks it. But he's so proud of himself when he picks things that he has to hold it up for all to see.
Then he breaks into the garden by going through the weak little fence we have that is to keep he and the dogs out.
Harley made it through the fence too, but he was "helping!"
So look who didn't help and instead is lounging away in his father's day/birthday gift.....
Ok....so Donnie did actually help. And so did poor Taylor, not by his choice it appears! Poor guy is just dangling there!
Look at how big Mr. Taylor has gotten! Yes his checks are a bit "swollen" these days. My mom hadn't seen him in about a month and she saw him last week and said he checks were fat as soon as she saw him!
Random pic of Zach that is from another night but couldn't delete it cuz he looks so dang cute!
Taylor hangin out with mommy. Excuse my uneven hair! Other than that I think this pic is adorable. I love Taylor's expression!
Harley and Bailey joined in the family backyard gathering. Yes that would be Harley relaxing on an old couch we are getting rid of. Some would say he's a bit pampered and spoiled, but not me!
Little boys hangin out with big boys......it's great to have big brothers!
The big boys decided they wanted to campout in the backyard so they went to setting up the tent. Zach was ALOT of help in the process!
I'm "planning" on several posts this next month (no comment Barb) as it has lots of special occasions for us. We have our wedding anniversary, the 1 year anniversary of Autumn and Treyton's adoptions, Zach's 2nd bday, Trey's bday, and my niece/dad/sister-in-law all have bdays. Busy month so hope I find the time to document it all on here!
Nice to see that things are still "truckin'" along just fine at the Jones' house. Thanks for the photos.
Great "new" pictures!! :)
Great pictures. Your garden is doing very well.
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